Dog Hides Under Van For 2 Months!

A scared, sick Rottweiler had been hiding under an abandoned van when a man discovered him and began giving him food and water for 2 months before he could get the dog to come out!

The man who initially found him cowering beneath the van tried to coax the skittish dog out with food and water to no avail.  Clearly sick with an eye infection, the man was determined to get the dog the help it needed.

Although the Rottweiler was eating the food the man brought, he would not come out from beneath the van.  After much patience and perseverance, the dog finally trusted the man enough to nibble from his hand, but still would slink back under the van.

Days later, the dog came out and seemed to trust the man enough to allow him to pet this poor, shy dog.  But attempts to get the dog into his small compact car were greeted with resistance, so the man had to contact a friend with a larger vehicle to transport the dog to a vet.